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The Perfection [UPD]

The "Perfection Tracker" statue in Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island shows the current perfection value. This value cannot be seen in-game before unlocking the room. The value is the average score across these categories:

The Perfection

In Multiplayer games, the Perfection Tracker will show a single perfection score shared across all players. The percentage breakdown for each category (with the exception of "Golden Walnuts Found", since Golden Walnuts are shared among all players) will show the highest score any of the players in the game have completed. For example, this means that only one person needs to catch every fish for the score to show 100% for that category. Similarly, only one Gold Clock needs to be built to get a value of "Yes" for "Golden Clock on Farm." However, the scores cannot be split amongst players. For example, if one player completes half of the Monster Eradication goals and another player completes the other half, the value for "Monster Slayer Hero" will be "No" as no player in the game has actually completed all of them.

Players with access to their saved game files may find the "Stardew Checkup" utility helpful for tracking their perfection score before unlocking the walnut room, as well as to track what they are still missing to achieve it. This utility is located at -checkup/.

Objection 1. It seems that perfection does not belong to God. For we say a thing is perfect if it is completely made. But it does not befit God to be made. Therefore He is not perfect.

I answer that, As the Philosopher relates (Metaph. xii), some ancient philosophers, namely, the Pythagoreans and Leucippus, did not predicate "best" and "most perfect" of the first principle. The reason was that the ancient philosophers considered only a material principle; and a material principle is most imperfect. For since matter as such is merely potential, the first material principle must be simply potential, and thus most imperfect. Now God is the first principle, not material, but in the order of efficient cause, which must be most perfect. For just as matter, as such, is merely potential, an agent, as such, is in the state of actuality. Hence, the first active principle must needs be most actual, and therefore most perfect; for a thing is perfect in proportion to its state of actuality, because we call that perfect which lacks nothing of the mode of its perfection.

Reply to Objection 1. As Gregory says (Moral. v, 26,29): "Though our lips can only stammer, we yet chant the high things of God." For that which is not made is improperly called perfect. Nevertheless because created things are then called perfect, when from potentiality they are brought into actuality, this word "perfect" signifies whatever is not wanting in actuality, whether this be by way of perfection or not.

Objection 1. It seems that the perfections of all things are not in God. For God is simple, as shown above (I:3:7); whereas the perfections of things are many and diverse. Therefore the perfections of all things are not in God.

Objection 2. Further, opposites cannot coexist. Now the perfections of things are opposed to each other, for each thing is perfected by its specific difference. But the differences by which "genera" are divided, and "species" constituted, are opposed to each other. Therefore because opposites cannot coexist in the same subject, it seems that the perfections of all things are not in God.

Objection 3. Further, a living thing is more perfect than what merely exists; and an intelligent thing than what merely lives. Therefore life is more perfect than existence; and knowledge than life. But the essence of God is existence itself. Therefore He has not the perfections of life, and knowledge, and other similar perfections.

I answer that, All created perfections are in God. Hence He is spoken of as universally perfect, because He lacks not (says the Commentator, Metaph. v) any excellence which may be found in any genus. This may be seen from two considerations.

Secondly, from what has been already proved, God is existence itself, of itself subsistent (I:3:4). Consequently, He must contain within Himself the whole perfection of being. For it is clear that if some hot thing has not the whole perfection of heat, this is because heat is not participated in its full perfection; but if this heat were self-subsisting, nothing of the virtue of heat would be wanting to it. Since therefore God is subsisting being itself, nothing of the perfection of being can be wanting to Him. Now all created perfections are included in the perfection of being; for things are perfect, precisely so far as they have being after some fashion. It follows therefore that the perfection of no one thing is wanting to God. This line of argument, too, is implied by Dionysius (Div. Nom. v), when he says that, "God exists not in any single mode, but embraces all being within Himself, absolutely, without limitation, uniformly;" and afterwards he adds that, "He is the very existence to subsisting things."

Reply to Objection 3. The same Dionysius says (Div. Nom. v) that, although existence is more perfect than life, and life than wisdom, if they are considered as distinguished in idea; nevertheless, a living thing is more perfect than what merely exists, because living things also exist and intelligent things both exist and live. Although therefore existence does not include life and wisdom, because that which participates in existence need not participate in every mode of existence; nevertheless God's existence includes in itself life and wisdom, because nothing of the perfection of being can be wanting to Him who is subsisting being itself.

Watching the second act at lunch time, I thought, perhaps, I shouldn't be eating. I survived, but then stumbled on this article after I had finished the whole thing (caution, don't read if you haven't seen as the whole thing is a spoiler):

The Perfection Game can be used to get feedback on a product or service that has been provided. It is also a retrospective exercise usable to discover strengths and define effective improvement actions. The perfection game gives power to the teams and helps them to self organize and become more agile.To get feedback with a perfection game you ask people to provide answers to the following questions:

In the perfection game, the rating is coupled to what people like about it and what they think can be done to do it better. This improves the quality of they feedback as people have to motivate their ratings.

The perfection game provides qualitative and quantitative feedback in all situations, making it a great tool to continuously improve. Here is an example how we use the perfection game to get feedback on the workshop that we deliver at

With the perfection game you invite team members to participate in improvements as they have to suggest what they could do to make it perfect. You can combine the perfection game with a strengths based retrospective exercise to dig deeper into the strengths that a team possesses and define Solution Focused improvement actions.

The perfection game is one of the exercises that you can use to get benefits out of doing retrospectives. It will be included in a future version of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, the pocket book that Luis Gonçalves and I have written.

Hello! It looks like you are browsing from somewhere outside the United States. If you have questions about Perfection Learning products, please visit our International Consultants page or contact us at global@perfectionlearning.

The perfection of various crystals has been determined by using an x-ray double crystal spectrometer. The materials examined were quartz, Rochelle salt, fluorite, tourmaline, pyrites, barite, rocksalt, gypsum, and the metallic crystals aluminum, iron, nickel, tungsten, and permalloy (65 percent nickel). The results indicate that quartz is a "perfect" crystal and that specimens of Rochelle salt, fluorite and possibly tourmaline and pyrites, might be found which could be so classed. The others tested are definitely in the "imperfect" class, the widths of the rocking curves at half-maximum lying between 100 and 1500 seconds of arc. The effect of surface treatment on perfection, as determined by x-rays, was examined for quartz by grinding with carborundum of two different sizes and by etching for different lengths of time. The surface of the permalloy crystal was also investigated by etching to different depths. As a result of the tests here reported, etched quartz crystals are suggested as suitable for use in the double crystal spectrometer on account of their high resolving power which is about twice that of calcite. 041b061a72


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